So we mentioned that your meals are part of the registration cost, but what does that mean? MidWinter Frolic’s kitchen is designed to feed a crowd of hungry scouts, and we’ll be sure to keep everybody taken care of for the weekend. Meals are communal, served in the main lodge, and cooked by your staff and fellow campers. (That is why we ask all those food related questions during registration.)
We begin the day with breakfast: eggs, pancakes, french toast, sausage, bacon, oatmeal, fresh fruit and the various condiments to energize you for the day.
So that everybody has the freedom to enjoy the daytime frolicing, lunch is a grab-and-go affair. We’ll have “soup and snacks” laid out to keep you going. Hot drinks like cocoa, tea, coffee and cider are available at all hours, of course.
After the sun goes down, we have a large dinner that has ranged from Juicy Lucies with all the fixings to roasted barbacoa for tacos and fajitas.

Snacks (and surprises?) drop throughout the day and evening. Fruit, vegetables, cheese, crackers, meats, and treats come out during the daytime. At night, we see popcorn and smores for special snacks.
The kitchen works on a semi-communal basis. We need your help to run it during the weekend. We ask everyone not attached to another job to help with one meal. This can be prearranged prior to arriving for a specific day/meal or fill in gaps to help with cooking, washing dishes, or managing the food.
The kitchen setup is great, but we do not have the ability to let each camper store and cook their own personal meals. There will be vegetarian options at each meal. Be sure to reach out to us in advance if you have any special dietary needs.
Do you have any special dishes you would like to make for your fellow campers, talk to us! We can work with you on planning, purchasing (we do most of that) and lining up kitchen help. If you have questions, contact us ahead of time so we can plan accordingly.